“Muhammed Muheisen: Finding the Light,” a captivating and eye-opening episode of National Geographic documentary series “Photographer”, is currently streaming on Disney+ and Hulu. Finding the Light will premier on National Geographic and Apple TV on April 1.
With “Finding the Light,” viewers will be immersed in the world of the founder and chairman of Everyday Refugees Foundation and two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist Muhammed Muheisen.
Muheisen’s remarkable work goes beyond capturing striking images; he utilizes his art as a tool for advocacy, shedding light on the plight of families affected by the global refugee crisis. Through his lens, he brings attention to the stories of resilience, courage, and hope amidst adversity.
Muheisen’s episode promises to be both enlightening and moving, offering viewers a glimpse into his impactful journey and the power of photography to inspire change and compassion.
Witness the profound storytelling and visual mastery of Muhammed Muheisen in “Photographer: Muhammed Muheisen: Finding the Light.”